API Documentation for the Todo API Project

This project is a Django REST API application that manages Todos and Categories. It provides endpoints for creating, listing, updating, and deleting Todos and Categories. The project uses Django, Django REST framework, and PostgreSQL.



  • POST /todos: Create a new Todo
  • GET /list_todos: List all Todos
  • GET /todos/<todo_id>/: Get details of a specific Todo
  • PUT /todos/<todo_id>/update: Update a Todo
  • DELETE /todos/<todo_id>/delete: Delete a Todo


  • POST /create/: Create a new Category
  • GET /list/: List all Categories
  • GET /details/<category_id>/: Get details of a specific Category
  • PUT /update/<category_id>/: Update a Category
  • DELETE /delete/<category_id>/: Delete a Category



  • name: CharField (max_length=50)
  • description: TextField


  • title: CharField (max_length=100)
  • description: TextField
  • created_at: DateTimeField (auto_now_add=True)
  • due_date: DateField
  • priority: CharField (choices=['Low', 'Medium', 'High'])
  • completed: BooleanField (default=False)
  • category: ForeignKey to Category (on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='todos', null=True, blank=True)

Views Documentation

Todo Views

  • create_todo: View to create a new Todo. Accepts POST requests.
  • list_todos: View to list all Todos. Accepts GET requests.
  • get_todo_details: View to get details of a specific Todo. Accepts GET requests.
  • update_todo: View to update a Todo. Accepts PUT requests.
  • delete_todo: View to delete a Todo. Accepts DELETE requests.

Category Views

  • create_category: View to create a new Category. Accepts POST requests.
  • list_categories: View to list all Categories. Accepts GET requests.
  • get_category_details: View to get details of a specific Category. Accepts GET requests.
  • update_category: View to update a Category. Accepts PUT requests.
  • delete_category: View to delete a Category. Accepts DELETE requests.


        │   db.sqlite3
        │   manage.py
        │   Readme.md
        │   │   admin.py
        │   │   apps.py
        │   │   models.py
        │   │   serializers.py
        │   │   tests.py
        │   │   urls.py
        │   │   __init__.py
        │   │
        │   ├───api
        │   │   │   category.py
        │   │   │   todo.py
        │   │   │
        │   │   └───__pycache__
        │   │           category.cpython-311.pyc
        │   │           todo.cpython-311.pyc
        │   │
        │   ├───migrations
        │   │   │   0001_initial.py
        │   │   │   __init__.py
        │   │   │
        │   │   └───__pycache__
        │   │           0001_initial.cpython-311.pyc
        │   │           __init__.cpython-311.pyc
        │   │
        │   └───__pycache__
        │           admin.cpython-311.pyc
        │           apps.cpython-311.pyc
        │           models.cpython-311.pyc
        │           serializers.cpython-311.pyc
        │           url.cpython-311.pyc
        │           urls.cpython-311.pyc
        │           views.cpython-311.pyc
        │           __init__.cpython-311.pyc
            │   asgi.py
            │   settings.py
            │   urls.py
            │   wsgi.py
            │   __init__.py